language : symbolic - pictorial

almost only type, illegible. confrontation with the western language.
perhaps here the changes of japan started…

the pictograph for person means also: people, others, repectable people, personality and the unit used for counting people.
the entrance sign was once modeled on the image of a person standing up.

add your comments or stories to this page

>Stefan, stefandeinzer (at) - Berlin, 2004-06-13
"Katakana lernen. Eine von zwei Silbenschriften. 26 Zeichen. Halbwegs erlernbar. Rettungsanker für alle, die wie ich das Gefühl haben im Meer der Zeichen zu versinken. 90% aller Katakana-Wörter sind englisch. Hätte eigentlich auch gleich nach London oder New York fahren können. "

>istek c. - tokyo, 2001-11-05
"the king and the queen of signs"

>istek c., cihan_g (at) - tokyo, 2001-11-05
"rather than a story, i have a little anecdote to make on the signage and pictograms of Tokyo: Roland Barthes once described the city of Tokyo as \\\\\\\'the Empire of Signs\\\\\\\'. and, having found out these two \\\\\\\'strange, but true\\\\\\\' toilet signs, i understood very well what Barthes meant by his proposition. lets see what you think and make out of them..."