physical public, the street, the public building, where unknown people need to get along

"tegaki: hand-drawn - hand-written hand-lettering, amateur or pro, has a tradition certain to continue beyond today. japan uses kanji and kana. the chinese kanji characters were imported since the 4th century AD (some 50'000 characters, boiled down to 4000 under US post-war occupation). since 700 AD, phonetic simplification created hiragana (used first by women) and katakana (a shorthand for buddhist students). today, in general, kanji convey essential meaning, hiragana inflect word endings. katakana denote emphasis, sounds in comics, and foreign words.
fyu-u-u-n = whooosh! supeisu mikkusu = "space mix". romaji (latin) letters and numbers indicate modern attitude and hip look, like katakana in western rave-flyers."
(joachim müller-lancé)

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